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A Website Authored By John Nye, Join me as I share my thoughts, wishes and dreams of the world we live in. Your comments are welcomed !

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“We carry inside us the wonders we seek outside us.” – Rumi It’s easier to blame your problems on someone else, than to look inwards and realize the problem might be you. In the same way it’s easy to think…

“Until mankind can understand that there is only One (one mind, one life, one intelligence, one reality) manifesting Itself in infinite form and variety, there will always be that sense of separation holding man in bondage to the false sense…

The Butterfly and the Tree

Butterfly is to Heaven as Tree is to Earth. A woman from my past once told me that I was a “butterfly” and she was the ‘tree’ that grounded me. I am only now starting to grasp what that meant. …

Waking from The Waking Dream

  I KNOW my dreams are real!! Last night I actually jumped out of bed to save someone from falling down, only to be instantaneously jerked back into my physical body and realize I was existing in a different dimension…

Kundalini Awakening

This is a visual interpretation of a return to the source energy, loss of human ego, a transformation into light energy. Human ego will make the viewer see their self as separate from everything/everyone else. Transcendence is the return to…

Freedom is??

  JNThoughts- before they were self labeled “thoughts” lol From 2013 “Freedom” is just another word for having nothing left to lose. (FREEDOM means being able to do whatever you choose. When you have nothing left to lose, there is…

JNThoughts outta nowhere– So Im reading this book and its asking some pretty deep questions about self awareness, knowledge and intuition, among other things.… The author tells me not to “automatically believe what others tell me, even if they happen…

The Circle

All of my days I wandered round, looking inside the circle; they’re having fun I can see it I want to join in…so for a moment I climb back in the sense of belonging to something weak…WHY? I’m playing the…

Understanding the Nature of Illusion

How can someone be free if they can’t even see their own cage? Even worse, what if they believed the very thing that was keeping them caged would someday set them free? And what is it we want freedom from?…

What’s Your Lens of Perception

Our Lens of Perception Determines the Nature and Quality of Our Experience The nature and quality of our life experiences are directly related to our levels of seeing. Everything is here and has always been here. We are only limited…

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